Summative vs. Formative Assessment
Summative assessments are designed to evaluate student learning according to a benchmark. These high stakes assessments contribute to a student’s final grade and include midterms,...
Creating assessments that evaluate student learning in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the instructor challenges even the best teachers. Never fear, we’ve assembled great resources to help you think about student learning assessment in new ways.
Grades are a necessary part of the college experience, but they don’t have to be counterproductive if students know what to expect. Below are some...
Authentic assessments provide learners with opportunities to apply what they learned to different real world experiences and develop marketable and transferable skills, including those defined by...
Rubrics provide structure and information that both students and faculty value. For students, rubrics take the guesswork out of how faculty evaluate their work. For...
Presentation skills are highly sought after in the workplace. They also add another tool for assessing student learning. Whether you are assigning a 3 minute...
January 30, 2018 Cheating happens. It happens online. It happens face-to-face. It happens at Ivy League Universities. It happens on tests. It happens on papers....
Feedback is an essential component of effective assessment in any course, regardless of the modality. There are several things you can do to ensure the...