Teaching Portfolios provide explanations and evidence of your teaching experience. Faculty applying for teaching awards, undergoing reviews, or applying for grants or new positions use teaching portfolios to bolster their case for teaching excellence.
Click to view our teaching portfolio guide
Beyond this, portfolio creation and reviews encourage faculty to reflect on their teaching accomplishments and areas of improvement.
- Don’t delay. Waiting until you need a teaching portfolios to create one is a recipe for stress and incomplete work. Start collecting your evidence from day one, or as soon as you can.
- Use evidence. Documentation is key to showing a reviewer that you excel in teaching. This may include your course reviews, specific student feedback, peer evaluations, or other items that provide an outside perspective on your teaching.
- Be accurate in your representation. Leaving gaps where the teaching evaluations were poor or not including classes that didn’t go well can leave reviewers asking more questions and scratching their heads. Don’t be afraid to demonstrate that you’ve learned from mistakes.
- Create a road map. Having a clear organizational structure with a roadmap of how it’s all arranged makes things simpler for reviewers, and easier for you to update.
- Use narrative. Don’t expect evidence to speak for itself. Describe what you’ve put in and what it says about your teaching.
- Be consistent. If you provide teaching scores for one course, but only student comments for another, your reviewers may wonder why.
- Be purposeful. Identify select pieces of information that provide evidence from across your teaching experience.
- Be reflective. Create a teaching statement about your own personal philosophy and how your documentation supports it.
- Demonstrate improvement. A commitment to continuous quality improvement in your teaching shows a dedication to excellence.
- Think outside the classroom. Teaching excellence isn’t just about the lecture hall. Discuss your role as advisor, a leader, or a contributor to the teaching profession.
Ready to create your portfolio? Check out these resources: