Home / Posts tagged 'Assessment and Grading'

  • online education, webinar and business vlog concept - woman teaching and recording video with phone in front of whiteboard


    By Terri J. Matiella, Ph.D.UTSA 2020-21 Next-Gen Faculty FellowCo-Director, Core Curriculum and Assessment for Environmental ScienceSenior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science and Ecology As we come back...

  • Using Extra Credit as a Motivational Tool

    Using Extra Credit as a Motivational Tool

    By Terri J. Matiella, Ph.D.UTSA 2020-21 Next-Gen Faculty FellowCo-Director, Core Curriculum and Assessment for Environmental ScienceSenior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science and Ecology The use of extra...

  • Academic Integrity

    Every faculty member faces the daunting task of upholding academic integrity in a world that provides more and more opportunities for cheating. Thanks to modern...

  • Grading and Ungrading

    Grades are a necessary part of the college experience, but they don’t have to be counterproductive if students know what to expect. Below are some...

  • Effective Feedback

    Feedback is an essential component of effective assessment in any course, regardless of the modality. There are several things you can do to ensure the...